《近山》概念影片ft.Cicada 〈 降落在金黃色草坡 〉
Artist | hsin
Curating | 木直牛勿 plant practice
Space | 台北 南海藝廊 Nanhai Gallery, Taipei
Opening Time | 13:30 ⎻ 17:30
▲ Ticket Price: NT$160
project / Close to Mountains
high altitude mountains
medium altitude mountains
low altitude mountains
About the Project
靠近我們的山,與土地更親近 親近我們的山,悉知土地的美好
台灣是個很特別的地方,位於北半球南方的島嶼, 卻擁有著熱帶到寒帶的豐富林相。我們的土地蘊藏著美麗多變的風貌,是百萬年來累積的豐盛。
《近山》(Close to Mountains) 是為期三年的創作計畫,用畫筆帶大家「近山」,閱覽台灣不同海拔的山景地貌,融入自然山野之中,被山林們療癒,也感受土地的遼闊與細膩。
一起近山吧!來看看我們的山 _
第一章:澐森之巔 / 高海拔山林 / 2022-2023
第二章:迷霧荒野 / 中海拔山林 / 2023-2024
第三章:闊葉叢森 / 低海拔山林 / 2024-2025
" Let’s get close to the mountains, close to the heart of the land, and understand its loveliness. "
Taiwan is a special place being an island south of the Northern Hemisphere. It possesses a rich tapestry of biomes ranging from the tropics to the polar zones. It encompasses many beautiful landscapes. It is a natural treasury accumulated over millions of years.
Close to Mountains is a three-year project that brings you "close to mountains" through paintings. It goes through mountain terrains at different elevations in Taiwan. Merging with nature, one may find solace in wildernesses and experience the grandeur and intricacy of our land.
Let's get close to the mountains !
Chapter 1 : The Pinnacle in the Cloud / High-altitude Mountains / 2022-2023
Chapter 2 : The Misty Wilderness / Medium-altitude Mountains / 2023-2024
Chapter 3 : The Broadleaf Forest / Low-altitude Mountains / 2024-2025
project / Close to Mountains © 2024 CHEN, YU-HSIN